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Journal of Chemical Physics 158, 015102 (2023)

ISSN: 0021-9606, SCIE

The protein escape process at the ribosomal exit tunnel has conserved mechanisms across the domains of life

Phuong Thuy Bui, and Trinh Xuan Hoang

The ribosomal exit tunnel is the primary structure affecting the release of nascent proteins at the ribosome. The ribosomal exit tunnels from different species have elements of conservation and differentiation in structural and physico-chemical properties. In this study, by simulating the elongation and escape processes of nascent proteins at the ribosomal exit tunnels of four different organisms, we show that the escape process has conserved mechanisms across the domains of life. Specifically, it is found that the escape process of proteins follows the diffusion mechanism given by a simple diffusion model, and the median escape time positively correlates with the number of hydrophobic residues and the net charge of a protein for all the exit tunnels considered. These properties hold for 12 distinct proteins considered in two slightly different and improved Gō-like models. It is also found that the differences in physico-chemical properties of the tunnels lead to quantitative differences in the protein escape times. In particular, the relatively strong hydrophobicity of E. coli’s tunnel and the unusually high number of negatively charged amino acids on the tunnel’s surface of H. marismortui lead to substantially slower escapes of proteins at these tunnels than at those of S. cerevisiae and H. sapiens.

DOI: 10.1063/5.0129532

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