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IEEE Proceedings of Photonics Global Conference (PGC), 2012 (2012)

ISBN: 978-1-4673-2513-4

New optical bio-sensor from DNA and nano structures

Nguyen Ai Viet, A. D. Phan

Heller et. al (2006) demonstrated the first DNACN optical sensor by wrapping a piece of double-stranded DNA around the surface of single-walled carbon nanotubes (CN). This new type of optical device can be placed inside living cells and detect trace amounts of harmful contaminants by means of near infrared light. In this report, we investigate the working principle, design schemes and the role of surrounding environment of this new class of optical biosensor from DNA and carbon nano structures, such as carbon naotubes, graphene ribbons, etc. We also propose some new design models by replacing carbon nanotubes with graphene ribbon semiconductors.

DOI: 10.1109/PGC.2012.6457917