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IEEE Proceedings of Photonics Global Conference (PGC), 2012, p. 1-3 (2012)

ISBN: 978-1-4673-2513-4

Magnetobiexciton in three layers graphene and its effects on graphene optical properties

Vo Thi Hoa ; Chu Thuy Anh ; Nguyen Tri Lan ; Nguyen Ai Viet

The optical properties of multilayer graphene could be controlled by layer distance, or by emerging the graphene in strong magnetic field. In the cadre of this paper, a strong magnetic field has been injected through a multilayer graphene, in which there are the presence of biexciton. There is no analytic solution for potential equation, an approximations using Morse potential has been proposed. The dependence of few first energy levels on magnetic field and graphene layer distance has been investigated.

DOI: 10.1109/PGC.2012.6458006