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Tạp chí thuộc danh mục SCIE

  1. Lepton universality violation in the minimal flipped 331 model
    P N Thu, N T Duy, A E Cárcamo Hernández, D T Huong
    Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2023, 123B01 (2024)
  2. High performance of UV photodetectors by integration of plasmonic Ag nanoparticles on GaN
    Thi Kim Oanh Vu , Minh Tien Tran , Nguyen Xuan Tu , Nguyen Thi Thanh Bao , Nguyen Thi Khanh Van , Hoang Van Thanh , Eun Kyu Kim
    Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 181, 108664 (2024)
  3. Questions of flavor physics and neutrino mass from a flipped hypercharge
    Duong Van Loi , Phung Van Dong, Nguyen Tuan Duy, Do Huy Thao
    PHYSICAL REVIEW D 109, 115022 (2024)
  4. Phenomenology of 3-3-1 models with a radiative inverse seesaw mechanism
    V. H. Binh, Cesar Bonilla,A. E. Cárcamo Hernández,D. T. Huong, Vishnudath K. N. ,H. N. Long,P. N. Thu, and Iván Schmidt
    PHYSICAL REVIEW D 110, 075022 (2024)
  5. Magnetic topological phases in the double exchange model with spin–orbit coupling
    Thanh-Mai Thi Tran, Van-Nham Phan, and Minh-Tien Tran
    Physica Scripta 99, 065977 (2024)
  6. Measurements of the branching fractions of Ξ0c→Ξ0π0, Ξ0c→Ξ0η, and Ξ0c→Ξ0η′ and asymmetry parameter of Ξ0c→Ξ0π0
    Belle II Collaboration (I. Adachi, ..., N. Anh Ky, ...)
    JHEP 2024, (2024)
  7. Resistivity characteristics near the metal–insulator transition in the half‑filled Anderson–Hubbard model
    Thi‑Hai‑Yen Nguyen, Anh‑Tuan Hoang, Duc‑Anh Le
    Journal of the Korean Physical Society 85, 825–829 (2024)
  8. First Measurement of R(Xτ /ℓ) as an Inclusive Test of the b → cτ ν Anomaly
    Belle II Collaboration (I. Adachi, ..., T.V. Dong, ...)
    PRL 132, 211804 (2024)
  9. Study of Υ(10753) decays to π +π −Υ(nS) final states at Belle II
    Belle II Collaboration (I. Adachi, ..., N. Anh Ky, ...)
    JHEP 2024, (2024)
  10. Search for lepton-flavor-violating τ − → µ −µ +µ − decays at Belle II
    Belle II Collaboration (I. Adachi, ..., N. Anh Ky, ...)
    JHEP 2024, (2024)
  11. Measurement of the branching fractions of B → D(∗)K−K (∗)0 (S) and B → D(∗)D− s decays at Belle II
    Belle II Collaboration (I. Adachi, ..., N. Anh Ky, ...)
    JHEP 2024, (2024)
  12. Test of light-lepton universality in τ decays with the Belle II experiment
    Belle II Collaboration (I. Adachi, ..., N. Anh Ky, ...)
    JHEP 2024, (2024)
  13. Search for the decay B^0 → γγ using Belle and Belle II data
    Belle II Collaboration (I. Adachi, ..., N. Anh Ky, ...)
    PHYS. REV. D (lett.) 110, L031106 (2024)
  14. Measurement of CP asymmetries in B^0 → K_0^SK_0^SK_0 ^S decays at Belle II
    Belle II Collaboration (I. Adachi, ..., N. Anh Ky, ...)
    PHYS. REV. D 109, 112020 (2024)
  15. Measurement of branching-fraction ratios and CP asymmetries in B± → DCP±K± decays at Belle and Belle II
    Belle II Collaboration (I. Adachi, ..., N. Anh Ky, ...)
    JHEP 2024, (2024)
  16. New graph-neural-network flavor tagger for Belle II and measurement of sin 2ϕ1 in B 0 → J/ψK0 S decays
    Belle II Collaboration (I. Adachi, ..., N. Anh Ky, ...)
    Phys. Rev. D 110, 012001 (2024)
  17. Controlled-joint remote implementation of operators and its possible generalization
    Satish Kumar, Nguyen Ba An, and Anirban Pathak
  18. Measurement of the branching fraction of the decay 𝐵−→𝐷0⁢𝜌⁢(770)− at Belle II
    Belle II Collaboration (I. Adachi, ..., N. Anh Ky, ...)
    PHYS. REV. D 109, L111103 (2024)
  19. Evidence for B+ → K+ νν¯ decays
    Belle II Collaboration (I. Adachi, ..., N. Anh Ky, ...)
    PHYS. REV. D 109, 112006 (2024)
  20. Search for a 𝜇+⁢𝜇− resonance in four-muon final states at Belle II
    Belle II Collaboration (I. Adachi, ..., N. Anh Ky, ...)
    Phys. Rev. D 109, 112015 (2024)
  21. Nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate in disordered paramagnetic diluted magnetic semiconductors
    Huu-Nha Nguyen, Minh-Tien Tran, and Van-Nham Pham
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 109, 035108 (2024)
  22. Swap Mott transition in multicomponent fermion systems
    Duc-Anh Le,Thanh-Mai Thi Tran, and Minh-Tien Tran
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 109, 115105 (2024)
  23. Gravitational radiation of a spherically symmetric source in f(R)-gravitation
    Pham Van Ky, Nguyen Thi Hong Van, Nguyen Anh Ky
    Eur.Phys.J.C 84, (2024)
  24. Search for the e + e − → η b ( 1 S ) ω and e + e − → χ b 0 ( 1 P ) ω processes at √ s = 10.745     GeV
    Belle II Collaboration (I. Adachi, ..., N. Anh Ky, ...)
    PHYS. REV. D 109, 072013 (2024)
  25. Measurement of branching fractions and direct C P asymmetries for B → K π and B → π π decays at Belle II
    Belle II Collaboration (I. Adachi, ..., N. Anh Ky, ...)
    Phys. Rev. D 109, 012001 (2024)
  26. Conductivity in the half-filled disordered Hubbard model: A typical medium dynamical mean-field study
    Anh-Tuan Hoang, Thi-Hai-Yen Nguyen, and Duc-Anh Le
    Modern Physics Letters B 38, 2450226 (2024)
  27. Thermoelectric transport across a tunnel contact between two charge Kondo circuits: Beyond perturbation theory
    T. K. T. Nguyen , H. Q. Nguyen , and M. N. Kiselev
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 109, 115139 (2024)

Tạp chí không thuộc SCIE

  1. Higgs phenomenology in the flipped 3-3-1 model
    P. N. Thu, N. T. Duy, D. T. Huong
    Communications in Physics 34, 297 (2024)
  2. Dirac CP violation phase in the neutrino sector with A4 flavour symmetry
    Phi Quang Van, Nguyen Anh Ky, Tien Manh Tran
    Communications in Physics 34, 125 (2024)