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Eur. Phys. J. C 82, 722 (2022)

ISSN: 1434-6044, SCIE

An explanation of experimental data of (g − 2)e,μ in 3-3-1 models with inverse seesaw neutrinos

L. T. Hue, Khiem Hong Phan, T. Phong Nguyen, H. N. Long, H. T. Hung

We show that the anomalous magnetic moment experimental data of muon and electron (g − 2)μ,e can be explained simultaneously in simple extensions of the 3-3- 1 models consisting of new heavy neutrinos and a singly charged Higgs boson. The heavy neutrinos generate active neutrino masses and mixing through the general seesaw mechanism. They also have non-zero Yukawa couplings with singly charged Higgs bosons and right-handed charged leptons, which result in large one-loop contributions known as chirally-enhanced ones. Numerical investigation confirms a conclusion indicated previously that these contributions are the key point to explain the large (g − 2)μ,e data, provided that the inverse seesaw mechanism is necessary to allow both conditions that heavy neutrino masses are above few hundred GeV and non-unitary part of the active neutrino mixing matrix must be large enough.

URL: https://doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-10691-5

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