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PHYSICAL REVIEW D 97, 115008 (2018)

ISSN: 2470-0010, SCI

Baryogenesis in the Zee-Babu model with arbitrary ξ gauge

Vo Quoc Phong, Nguyen Chi Thao, and Hoang Ngoc Long

We consider the baryogenesis picture in the Zee-Babu model. Our analysis shows that electroweak phase transition (EWPT) in the model is a first-order phase transition at the 100 GeV scale, its strength ranges from 1 to 4.15 and themasses of charged Higgs boson are smaller than 300GeV. TheEWPTis strengthened by only the newbosons and this strength is enhanced by arbitrary ξ gauge.However, the ξ gauge does not break the firstorder EWPT or, in other words, the ξ gauge is not the cause of the EWPT. This leads to the fact that the calculation of EWPT in Landau gauge is enough; and the latter may provide baryon-number violation (B-violation) necessary for baryogenesis in the relationship with nonequilibriumphysics in the early universe.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.97.115008

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