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Seminar Vật lý lý thuyết và Vật lý tính toán:
Tên báo cáoControlling and Probing non-Abelian Emergent Gauge Potentials in Spinor Bose-Fermi Mixtures
Người trình bàyTS. Nguyễn Thanh Phúc
NgàyThứ Hai, 29-02-2016
Giờ10:00 AM
Địa điểmPhòng 202 (Thư viện), Viện Vật lý, 10 Đào Tấn, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
Tóm tắtGauge fields, typified by the electromagnetic field, often appear as emergent phenomena due to geometrical properties of a curved Hilbert subspace, and provide a key mechanism for understanding such exotic phenomena as the anomalous and topological Hall effects. Non-abelian gauge potentials serve as a source of non-singular magnetic monopoles. Here we show that unlike conventional solid materials, the non-abelianness of emergent gauge potentials in spinor Bose-Fermi atomic mixtures can be continuously varied by changing the relative particle-number densities of bosons and fermions [1]. The non-abelian feature is captured by an explicit dependence of the measurable spin current density of fermions in the mixture on the variable coupling constant. Spinor mixtures also provide us with a method to coherently and spontaneously generate a pure spin current without relying on the spin Hall effect. Such a spin current is expected to have potential applications in the new generation ofatomtronic devices. [1] Nguyen Thanh Phuc et al., Nat. Com. 6, 8135 (2015).
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