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PHYSICAL REVIEW A 108, 022223 (2023)

ISSN: 2469-9926, SCIE

Single- and two-photon wave-particle superpositions: Theory and experimen

Qing-Feng Xue, Xu-Cai Zhuang, Nguyen Ba An, De-Yang Duan, Ren-De Ma, Wei-Wei Pan, Qin-Qin Wang, Yun-Jie Xia, and Zhong-Xiao Man

Simultaneous observation of the wave and particle natures of a quantum object under one experimental arrangement represents the latest development regarding wave-particle duality. In this work, we propose a simple scheme using linear-optics devices to observe either the particle nature or wave nature or the wave-particle superposition (WPS) of photons by controlling a relevant classical parameter. Our setup consists of two stages, the preparation and measurement stages, with the latter stage containing an additional classical variable whose value will be given only after the first stage in order to avoid any possible communication between the two stages and thus rule out the classical hidden-variable model. We not only develop the theory but also perform the corresponding experiments. The experimental observations perfectly agree with the theoretical predictions. Our findings are the following. The frequency (wavelength) of both single- and two-photon systems is independent of whether the photon(s) is wavelike or in a WPS state, with the common fact being that the frequency (wavelength) of two photons as a whole entity is twice (half) that of a single photon. As for the interference-pattern visibility, it is always lower in the case of WPS than in the case of a wavelike state for a single photon as well as for two photons. Remarkably, with a given value of the control parameter, the interference visibility in the case of WPS is always higher in the single-photon scenario than in the two-photon one. Although here we are dealing with photons, the obtained results apply equally well to matter particles.

DOI: DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.108.022223