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ISSN: 1434-6044, SCIE

New physics in b→s transitions in the MF331 model

N. T. Duy, P. N. Thu, D. T. Huong

There are two sources that help to explain the RK, RK∗ anomalies in the MF331 model. The first is non-LFUV couplings of the new neutral gauge boson Z with leptons, gZ (e) = gZ (μ, τ ), which causes the RK, RK∗ anomalies via Z -penguin diagrams involving newly charged gauge bosons X± μ, and exotic U-quarks. The second is the contribution from the box diagram only for the first generation of leptons. We show that the penguin diagrams can not explain RK, RK∗ anomalies, and that the box diagram is required. The experimental constraints for RK and RK∗ result in new particle mass degeneracy. The contributions of NP to the branching ratios Br(Bs → μ+μ−),Br(b → sγ ) predict results that agree with the experimental limits in the allowed region of the NP scale.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-10916-7

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