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PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 125, 026801 (2020)

ISSN: 0031-9007, SCIE

Thermoelectric Transport in a Three-Channel Charge Kondo Circuit

T. K. T. Nguyen and M. N. Kiselev

We theoretically investigate the thermoelectric transport through a circuit implementation of the three- channel charge Kondo model quantum simulator [Z. Iftikhar et al., Science 360, 1315 (2018)]. The universal temperature scaling law of the Seebeck coefficient is computed perturbatively approaching the non-Fermi liquid strong coupling fixed point using the Abelian bosonization technique. The predicted T1=3 log T scaling behavior of the thermoelectric power sheds light on the properties of Z3 emerging parafermions and gives access to exploring prefractionalized zero modes in the quantum transport experiments. We discuss a generalization of approach for investigating a multichannel Kondo problem with emergent ZN → ZM crossovers between “weak” non-Fermi liquid regimes corresponding to different low-temperature fixed points.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.026801

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