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Công bố khoa học năm 2005 của Trung tâm Vật lý lý thuyết

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Tạp chí SCIE

TTTên công trìnhTác giảTạp chíTậpSố TrangNăm
1Exciton-boson formalism for laser-excited semiconductors and its application in coherent four-wave mixing spectroscopyH. N. Cam J. Phys. Soc. Japan741049-10662005
2Secure dialogue without a prior key distribution.N. B. An J. Kor. Phys. Soc.47562 - 5672005
3Dynamics of the field in trio coherent states interacting with an atom via multi-photon transitions.N. B. An J. Kor. Phys. Soc.4754 - 622005
4Cavity-catalyzed deterministic generation of maximal entanglement between nonidentical atoms.N. B. An Phys. Lett. A34477 - 832005
5Teleportation of two-quNit entanglement: Exploiting local resources.N. B. An Phys. Lett. A3419 - 142005
6The Bamboo Stick Calendar of the Muong People in VietnamN. M. Tung and N. T. Vuong Archaeoastronomy182005
7Form of growing stringsD. Marenduzzo, T. X. Hoang, F. Seno, M. Vendruscolo and A. Maritan Phys. Rev. Lett., ISSN: 0031-9007950981032005
8Mechanical properties of the domains of titin in a Go-like modelM. Cieplak, A. Pastore and T. X. Hoang J. Chem. Phys., ISSN: 0021-9606112059062005
9A new interpolation formula for semiflexible polymersA. Rosa, T. X. Hoang, D. Marenduzzo and A. Maritan Biophys. Chem., ISSN: 0301-4622115251-2542005
10Geometrical model for the native-state folds of proteinsT. X. Hoang, A. Trovato, F. Seno, J. R. Banavar and A. Maritan Biophys. Chem., ISSN: 0301-4622115289-2942005
11What determines the structures of native folds of proteins?A. Trovato, T. X. Hoang, J. R. Banavar, A. Maritan and F. Seno J. Phys.: Cond. Matt., ISSN: 0953-898417S1515-S15222005
12Protein and polymersJ. R. Banavar, T. X. Hoang and A. Maritan J. Chem. Phys., ISSN: 0021-96061122349102005
13U(1)Q invariance and SU(3)C x SU(3)L x U(1)X models with be-ta arbitraryP. V. Dong and H. N. Long Eur. Phys. J. C42325–3292005
14Standard-model-like Higgs boson production at the CERN LHC in model with right-handed neutrinos 3-3-1L. D. Ninh and H. N. Long Phys. Rev. D72 0750042005
15Scalar sextet in the 331 model with right-handed neutrinosN. A. Ky and N .T. H. Van Phys. Rev. D721150172005
16Doping change and distortion effect on double-exchange ferromagnetismP. V. Nham and T. M. Tien Phys. Rev. B722144182005
17Metal-insulator transition in the quarter-filled frustrated checkerboard latticeY. Z. Zhang, Minh-Tien Tran, V. Yushankhai and P. Thalmeier Eur. Phys. J. B44265–2762005
18Shot noise in metallic double dot structures with a negative differential conductanceV. H. Nguyen, V. L. Nguyen and P. Dollfus Appl. Phys. Lett.871231072005
19Negative differential conductance in metallic double quantum dot structuresV. H. Nguyen, V. L. Nguyen and H. N. Nguyen J. Phys.: Cond. Matt.1711572005
20Roughness-Induced Mechanisms for Electron Scattering in Wurtzite Group-III Nitride HeterostructuresD. N. Quang, N. H. Tung, V. N. Tuoc, N. V. Minh and P. N. Phong Phys. Rev. B722453032005
21 Roughness-Induced Piezoelectric Charges in Wurtzite Group-III Nitride HeterostructuresD. N. Quang, N. H. Tung, V. N. Tuoc, N. V. Minh and P. N. Phong Phys. Rev. B721153372005

Tạp chí không thuộc SCIE

TTTên công trìnhTác giảTạp chíTậpSố TrangNăm
1Production of Doubly Charged Bilepton and Photon in Electron-Electron CollisionsD. V. Soa, H. N. Long, D. T. Binh and N. V. Huyen Comm. Phys.15932005
2CPA density of states and conductivity in diluted magnetic semiconductors.H. A. Tuan and L. D. Anh Comm. Phys.15No. 42005
3Peierls dimerization in the anisotropic two dimensional half-fiiled Hubbard model.H. A. Tuan and D. T. H. Quynh Comm. Phys.15No. 3, 1792005
4Charge ordering in pyrochlore lattice in the strong correlation limit.H. A. Tuan, L. D. Anh and N. T. Thang Comm. Phys.151202005
5Mobile object with force generators IVu Xuan Minh United States Patent Application2005
6Mobile object with force generators IVu Xuan Minh PCT Patent2005

Trên tuyển tập hội nghị

TTTên công trìnhTác giảTuyển tậpTậpSố TrangNăm
1Electronic Structure and Coulomb Blockade Effects in Silicon Quantum Dot DevicesJ. See, N. H. Quang, Philippe DOLLFUS and S. Galdin-Retailleau Proc. of the 9th APPC (Hanoi, 25-31/10/2004)797-8002005
2Charged Biexcitons in 2D Parabolic Quantum DotsN. H. Quang Proc. of the 9th APPCHanoi 25-31/10/2004433-4352005
3Influence of shape on energy structure in quantum dotsT. T. Kien, N. H. Quang and N. A. Viet Proc. of the 9th APPCHanoi 25-31/10/2004463-4652005
4Quantum confinement and electronic properties of Ge-nanowiresN. H. Quang and Yann-Michel Osaka univ. – AP - Hanoi univ. forum 289-2902005

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