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Công bố khoa học năm 1990 của Trung tâm Vật lý lý thuyết

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Tạp chí SCIE

  1. D. V. Duc, N. T. Hong, BRST cohomology operators on string superforms, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 23, 1-5 (1990)
  2. D. N. Quang, Auger recombination in heavily doped semiconductors, Phys. Stat. Sol. B 158, 669-683 (1990)
  3. D. N. Quang, Auger Recombination In An Intense Piezoelectric Noise Field, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 59, 3276-3283 (1990)
  4. N. Q. Huong, N. T. Thang, N. A. Viet, Electron-hole exchange interaction of excitons in direct band-gap cubic semiconductors with degenerated valence band, Phys. Stat. Sol. B 161, 637-646 (1990)
  5. H. N. Long, and L. K. Huong, On the photoproduction of gravitons on spinor particles, Can. J. Phys. 68, 238 - 241 (1990)
  6. H. H. Bang, and H. N. Long, The renormalizability and the asymptotically behaviour, Czech. J. Phys. 40, 605 - 612 (1990)
  7. N. B. An, Optical bistability of Frenkel excitons, Acta Physica Polonica A 78, 627 (1990)
  8. N. B. An, Intensity-dependent absorption and refraction near the band gap of highly excited semiconductors, J. Phys. France 51, 1 (1990)
  9. N. B. An, An effective Hamiltonian for giant polaritons in molecular crystals, Physica Scripta 42, 746 (1990)
  10. N. B. An, Excitation-induced modifications of polariton dispersion curves in molecular media within different approaches, Physica Scripta 42, 741 (1990)
  11. N. B. An, and N. T. Dan, Bistable reflectivity due to two photon-biexciton transition in bulky semiconductors, Czech. J. Phys. B 40, 90 (1990)
  12. N. B. An, and L. T. C. Tuong, Possible hysteresis loops of resonatorless optical bistability, Solid State Communications 76, 1139-l 142, (1990)
  13. N. B. An, and H. N. Cam, An approach to the many-exciton system, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 2, 4127-4136 (1990)
  14. N. B. An, and H. X. Nguyen, On bistable polariton dispersion in photo-excited crystals, Phys. Lett. A 144, 45 - 47 (1990)

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