>> Trung tâm Vật lý tính toán

Công bố khoa học năm 1983 của Trung tâm Vật lý lý thuyết

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Tạp chí SCIE

  1. H. V. Tan, N. T. Thang, On the equivalence of 2 approaches in the exciton-polariton theory, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 33, 1121-1133 (1983)
  2. N. N. Dat, Parametric excitation of electron density fluctuations in narrow gap semiconductors, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 33, 1239-1247 (1983)
  3. Nguyen Van Hieu, Theory of representations of the superalgebra of extended supersymmetry, Theortical and Mathematical Physics 57, 1080-1085 (1983)
  4. N. A. Viet, Reparametrization of supergroup - superspace as a vectorspace, Acta Physica Hungarica 54, 353-359 (1983)
  5. N. C. Hoang, V. H. Nguyen, V. T. Ha, On the theory of the non-linear acoustooptical effect in semiconductors, Phys. Stat. Sol. B 116, 25-29 (1983)

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