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Seminar Trung tâm Vật lý lý thuyết:

Tên báo cáoUnraveling Properties of Semiconductor Defects using Density Functional Theory: Success Stories and Challenges
Người trình bàyTS. Nguyễn Ngọc Lĩnh
Cơ quanTrường Đại học Phenikaa
NgàyThứ Ba, 27-02-2024
Giờ10:00 AM
Địa điểmPhòng 312A, số 10 phố Đào Tấn, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
Tóm tắtComputational simulations employing Density Functional Theory (DFT) have emerged as a successful approach for understanding, designing, and engineering materials. This theory provides quantum-related insights into the microscopic properties of materials, bolstering experimental efforts. In this talk, I will present our recent work involving the application of DFT to simulate the thermodynamic, dynamic, and electronic properties of native defects formed in certain oxide semiconductors such as Zn2SnO4 [1], ZnO [2] and TiO2 [3], both in the bulk and on the surfaces. The simulations will elucidate how these defects alter the material's properties, including charge carrier concentrations, material band gap, and optical spectra. Specifically, I will address the limitations of standard DFT approximations in describing these quantities and discuss how we have addressed them through recent developed Koopmans-compliance functionals [4,5], which have been recently undertaken in our group.
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