(Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectrometer)
(Libs Spectrometer system)
(Femtosecond Fiber Laser)
(Nd:YAG High power Lasers)
(980 Diode Lasers)
(Pulsed Wavelength Meter)
(T-XRF Spectrometer)
(Nano particle and Zeta potential analyzer)
(FT/IR Spectrometer)
(UV/VIS/NIR Spectrometer)
(High Power Surface Plasma Machine)
(Spin coater)
(High speed Camera)
(Ultra sensitive EMCCD Camera)
(Lidar sensor)
(Atomic Force Microscopy and Optical Coupling Platform with Raman Labram HR)
(The universal nanolithography and nanofabrication system using beam)
(Thermometric Cells for Raman Microscope)
(XYZ accessories for upright microscope)
(633 nm laser)