Hoạt động khoa học
Seminar Trung tâm Vật lý lý thuyết: | |
Tên báo cáo | Magneto-thermopower of a quantum dot: effects of asymmetry in Kondo channels |
Người trình bày | TS. Nguyễn Thị Kim Thanh |
Cơ quan | Khoa Vật lý, Đại học Cincinnati, Hoa Kỳ & Trung tâm Vật lý Lý thuyết, Viện Vật lý |
Ngày | Thứ Ba, 07-02-2012 |
Giờ | 10:00 AM |
Địa điểm | Phòng họp tầng 1, Viện Vật lý, 10 Đào Tấn, Ba Đình, Hà Nội |
Tóm tắt | In my presentation, I will talk about the effects of magnetic field on the thermoelectric coefficients (TCs) of a single-electron transistor based on a quantum dot strongly coupled to one lead by a single-mode quantum point contact (QPC) and weakly coupled to the second lead by a tunnel barrier. The magnetic field induces an asymmetry in transmission of spin-up and spin-down channels at the QPC. The result shows the appearance of two new energy scales: on the magnetic field (the field corresponding to a full polarization of the QPC) and: depending on a reflection amplitude and charging energy . The behavior of TCs is discussed in three regimes. The "giant Fermi liquid" regime in which the TCs behave as those in the Fermi liquid theory do at temperatures . Proximity to "strong non Fermi liquid" regime characterized by of thermopower can be seen at . The perturbative "weak non Fermi liquid" regime with holds at . The similarities of the model with multi-channel Kondo systems and possible experimental tests for verification of the non-Fermi-liquid transport through the quantum dot system are discussed. |