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Viện Vật lý

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Seminar Trung tâm Vật lý tính toán:

Tên báo cáoEffect of Adatoms on Transport Properties of Graphene: Numerical Calculations of Quantum Diffusion
Người trình bàyNguyễn Thùy Nhung
Cơ quanTrung tâm Vật lý Tính toán, Viện Vật lý
NgàyThứ Ba, 11-10-2011
Địa điểmPhòng họp tầng 1, Viện Vật lý, 10 Đào Tấn, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
Tóm tắtBased on the Recursion method in real space we implement numerical programs to study electronic properties of graphene with adatoms. A tight-binding model is justified by using Kubo-Greenwood formula with parameters obtained from ab initio calculations. The effects of static defects, particularly adatoms, on transport coefficient in graphene are investigated with this simple approach. Our results are in good agreement with those obtained from ab initio calculations