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Viện Vật lý

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Seminar Viện Vật lý:

Tên báo cáoPairing in hot rotating nuclei
Người trình bàyNguyễn Quang Hưng
Cơ quanTrung Tâm Vật lý lý thuyết
NgàyThứ Ba, 06-01-2009
Địa điểmPhòng họp tầng 1, Viện Vật lý, 10 Đào Tấn, Thủ Lệ, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
Tóm tắtNuclear pairing properties are studied within an approach that includes the quasiparticle-number fluctuation (QNF) and coupling to the quasiparticle-pair vibrations at finite temperature and angular momentum. The formalism is developed to describe non-collective rotations about the symmetry axis. The numerical calculations are performed within a doubly-folded equidistant multilevel model as well as several realistic nuclei. The results obtained for the pairing gap, total energy and heat capacity show that the QNF smoothes out the sharp SN phase transition and leads to the appearance of a thermally assisted pairing gap in rotating nuclei at finite temperature. The corrections due to the dynamic coupling to SCQRPA vibrations and particle-number projection are analyzed. The effect of backbending of the momentum of inertia as a function of squared angular velocity is also discussed.