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49th Vietnam Conference on Theoretical Physics (VCTP-49)
Hội nghị Vật lý lý thuyết Việt Nam lần thứ 49
Huế, 30 July - 2 August, 2024
ProgrammeO.5 -- Oral, VCTP-49 Date: Tuesday, 30 July 2024> Time: 17:20 - 17:45> Transport and localization properties of excitations in the diluted Anderson modelBa Phi Nguyen (1,2) and Kihong Kim (3) (1) Department of Basic Sciences, Mientrung University of Civil Engineering, Tuy Hoa 620000, Vietnam (2) Mathematics and Physics Research Group, Mientrung University of Civil Engineering, Tuy Hoa 620000, Vietnam (3) Department of Physics, Ajou University, Suwon 16499, Korea We present a numerical study of the transport and localization properties of excitations in one-dimensional lattices with diagonal disordered mosaic modulations, which are characterized by the integer-valued modulation period κ the disorder strength W. For different values of κ and W, we perform extensive numerical calculations of the disorder-averaged physical quantities. We find that while the conventional Anderson localization behavior takes place for most values of energy, there is a discrete value set of energies (the so-called quasiresonance energy) at which show a power-law localization behavior. When the wave packet’s initial momentum satisfies the quasiresonance condition, we observe a subdiffusive spreading of the wave packet. References: [1] B. P. Nguyen, D. K. Phung, and K. Kim, Phys. Rev. B. 106, 134204 (2022). [2] B. P. Nguyen and K. Kim, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56, 475701 (2023). Presenter: Nguyen Ba Phi |
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