Scientific Activities
Seminar of Institute of Physics:
Từ QED qua QFT đến QID - thời cơ mới cho VLLT Việt namProf. Nguyen Van Hieu (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology)
Time: 10h00, Tuesday, 25-12-2007
Seminar of Institute of Physics:
Theory of impedance networks: A new formulation of the Kirchhoff lawProf. F. Y. Wu (Northeastern Univ. (Boston, USA))
Time: 10h00, Thursday, 08-11-2007
Location: Room 211, Institute of Physics and Electronics, 10 Đào Tấn, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
Seminar of Institute of Physics:
Searching for the standard model Higgs particles at the LHCDr. Nguyen Anh Ky, Nguyen Thi Hong Van (Centre for Theoretical Physics)
Time: 10h00, Tuesday, 09-10-2007
Location: Meeting room, 1st floor, Institute of Physics & Electronics, 10 Daotan, Thule, Badinh, Hanoi
Seminar of Institute of Physics:
Novel Thermoelectrics – Role of NanostructuresProf. S. D. Mahanti (Michigan State University, USA)
Time: 10h00, Wednesday, 25-07-2007
Location: Meeting Room 1st floor, Institute of Physics and Electronics, 10 Đào Tấn, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
Seminar of Institute of Physics:
The SU(3)_C x SU(3)_L x U(1)_X model with two Higgs tripletsPhung Van Dong (Center for Theoretical Physics)
Time: 10h00, Tuesday, 05-06-2007
Location: Seminar Room, First floor, Institute of Physics and Electronics, 10 Dao Tan, Ba Dinh, Ha Noi
Seminar of Institute of Physics:
Development and applications of a video camera of 10 Mega frames per second with ultra-high sensitivityProf. Takeharu Goji Etoh (Chairperson, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kinki University, Higashi-Osaka, Japan)
Time: 9h30, Friday, 30-03-2007
Location: Seminar Room, First floor, Institute of Physics and Electronics, 10 Đào Tấn, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
Seminar of Institute of Physics:
Introduction to superstring theory (Lectures on theoretical High energy physics)Prof. Takeo Inami (Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan)
Time: 14h30, Tuesday, 27-03-2007
Location: Meeting room, 1st floor, Institute of Physics and Electronics, 10 Đào Tấn, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
Seminar of Institute of Physics:
Optical excitation spectrum of an atom in a surface-induced potentialDr Sc. Pham Le Kien (University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan)
Time: 10h00, Tuesday, 20-03-2007
Location: Seminar Room, First floor, Institute of Physics and Electronics, 10 Đào Tấn, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
Seminar of Institute of Physics:
General theory of Decoherence in Markovian ApproximationProf. Nguyen Van Hieu (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology)
Time: 9h00, Tuesday, 27-02-2007
Location: Meeting Room, Institute of Physics and Electronics, 10 Đào Tấn, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
Seminar of Institute of Physics:
The Friedmann - Robertson-Walker models and the Universe expansion-collapseProf. Hoang Ngoc Long (Center for Theoretical Physics)
Time: 10h30, Tuesday, 06-02-2007
Location: Room 222, Institute of Physics and Electronics, 10 Đào Tấn, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
Seminar of Institute of Physics:
Spin dependent renormalisation effects in the spectrum of a coherently excited exciton-biexciton systemLuu Duc Minh (University of Cambridge, UK)
Time: 10h00, Tuesday, 09-01-2007
Location: Room 222, Institute of Physics and Electronics, 10 Đào Tấn, Ba Đình, Hà Nội