>> Center for Computational Physics


In journals

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SCI/SCIE journals


  1. Simple model for interface exciton with the electron-hole separation in a strong magnetic field
    N. V. Thanh, and N. A. Viet
    Modern Physics Letters B 14, 899-905 (2000)
  2. Simple quantum confinement theory for exciton in indirect gap nanostructures
    N. T. V. Oanh, and N. A. Viet
    Intern. J. Mod. Phys. B 14, 1559-1566 (2000)
  3. Magnetic field effects on the binding energy of hydrogen impurities in quantum dots with parabolic confinements
    Van-Lien Nguyen, Manh-Trinh Nguyen, T. D. Nguyen
    Physica B 292, 153-159 (2000)
  4. Induced representations of the two parametric quantum deformation U-pq[gl(2/2)]
    N. A. Ky
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 41, 6487-6508 (2000)
  5. The Higgs sector of the minimal 3-3-1 model revisited
    N. T. Anh, N. A. Ky, and H. N. Long
    International Journal of Modern Physics A 15, 283-305 (2000)
  6. S; T;U parameters in an SU(3)_{C}\bigotimes SU(3)_{L}\bigotimes U(1) model with right-handed neutrinos
    H. N. Long, and Takeo Inami
    Phys. Rev. D 61, 075002 (2000)
  7. Photoproduction of dilatons in an external magnetic field
    D. V. Soa, and H. N. Long
    Mod. Phys. Lett. A 15, 23 - 28 (2000)
  8. Anomalous magnetic moment of muon in 3 - 3 - 1 models.
    N. A. Ky, H. N. Long, and D. V. Soa
    Phys. Lett. B 486, 140 - 146 (2000)
  9. Multi-directional higher-order amplitude squeezing
    N. B. An
    Phys. Lett. A 284, 72–80 (2000)
  10. General multimode difference-squeezing
    N. B. An, and V. Tinh
    Phys. Lett. A 270, 27–40 (2000)
  11. Biexciton kth power amplitude squeezing due to optical exciton biexciton conversion
    V. Tinh, and N. B. An
    International Journal of Modern Physics B, 14, 877 - 888 (2000)
  12. Multimode difference squeezing
    N. B. An, and V. Tinh
    J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 33, 2951–2962 (2000)
  13. Intrinsic instability and locking of pulsation frequencies in free-running two-mode class-B lasers
    Kenju Otsuka, Siao-Lung Hwong, and N. B. An
    Phys. Rev. A 16, 053815 (2000)
  14. Biexciton squeezing due to optical exciton-biexciton conversion
    V. Tinh, D. H. Nha, and N. B. An
    International Journal of Modern Physics B, 14, 91 - 100 (2000)
  15. Effects of Surface Roughness and Alloy Disorder on the Density of States of the Disordered Electron Gas in Semiconductor Quantum Wires
    D. N. Quang, and N. H. Tung
    Physical Review B 62, 15337 (2000)
  16. Spontaneous emission from an atom inside a dielectric sphere
    Pham Le Kien, Nguyen Hong Quang, Khozu Hakuta
    Optics Commun. 178, 151-164 (2000)
  17. Charged magnetoexcitons in parabolic quantum dots
    N. H. Quang, S. Ohnuma, and A. Natori
    Phys. Rev. B 62, 12955 (2000)


Non-SCIE journals