>> Center for Computational Physics


PHYSICAL REVIEW D 87, 115003 (2013)

ISSN: 1550-7998, SCI

3-3-1-1 model for dark matter

P.V. Dong, T. D. Tham, H. T. Hung

We show that the SUð3ÞC  SUð3ÞL  Uð1ÞX (3-3-1) model of strong and electroweak interactions can naturally accommodate an extra Uð1ÞN symmetry behaving as a gauge symmetry. The resulting theory based on SUð3ÞC  SUð3ÞL  Uð1ÞX  Uð1ÞN (3-3-1-1) gauge symmetry realizes B  L ¼ð2= ffiffiffi 3 p ÞT8 þ N as a charge of SUð3ÞL  Uð1ÞN. Consequently, a residual symmetry, W parity, resulting from broken B  L, similarly to R-parity in supersymmetry, is always conserved and may be unbroken. There is a specific fermion content recently studied in which all new particles that have wrong lepton numbers are odd under W parity, while the standard model particles are even. Therefore, the lightest wrong-lepton particle (LWP) responsible for dark matter is naturally stabilized. We explicitly show that the non- Hermitian neutral gauge boson (X0) as the LWP cannot be dark matter. However, the LWP as a new neutral fermion (NR) can be dark matter if its mass is in the range 1:9 TeV  mNR  2:5 TeV, provided that the new neutral gauge boson (Z0) mass satisfies 2:2 TeV  mZ0  2:5 TeV. Moreover, the scalar dark matter candidate (H0 ’ 3) that has traditionally been studied is only stabilized by W parity. All the unwanted interactions and vacuums that are often encountered in the 3-3-1 model are naturally suppressed. And, the standing issues on tree-level flavor changing neutral currents and CPT violation also disappear.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.115003
