>> Center for Computational Physics


Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2269, 012002 (2022)

ISSN: 1742-6596

Joint remote preparation of a single-photon hyper-state with two pairs of hyper-Bell states

Cao Thi Bich and Nguyen Ba An

Hyper-entanglement is gaining more and more attentions thanks to its outstanding applications in processing quantum information. It is considered as a quantum resource in many important tasks. In this work, we deal with a tripartite task for three remote parties Alice, Bob and Charlie. Namely, Alice and Bob are two senders who independently share the full information of an arbitrary single-photon state which is encoded simultaneously in two different degrees of freedom, the spatial-mode degree of freedom and the polarization degree of freedom (hereafter called photon’s hyper-state). We show that Alice and Bob can jointly prepare for the receiver Charlie such a hyper-state of the photon when they share beforehand two pairs of hyper-Bell states.

DOI: doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2269/1/012002
