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47th Vietnam Conference on Theoretical Physics (VCTP-47)
Hội nghị Vật lý lý thuyết Việt Nam lần thứ 47
Tuy Hòa, 1-4 August 2022
ProgrammeP.53 -- Poster, VCTP-47 Date: Thursday, 4 August 2022> Time: 08:30 - 10:00> Can DNA form twisted bundles in toroidal condensates?Nhung T. T. Nguyen and Trinh Xuan Hoang Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology Toroidal structures are the most frequently observed morphology of DNA condensates. While the packing of DNAs inside the toroids can be essentially revealed by experiment, it is much less clear about the global conformations adopted by DNAs in the condensates. In this study, we consider a model of toroidal condensate that corresponds to a twisted bundle arrangement of the chain conformation and compare it to other models which are akin to a spool-like and a constant-curvature wrapping, respectively. It is shown that for the toroid energy consisting of a bending energy and a surface energy term, the twisted bundle model always yields optimal conformations of lower energies than the other models. For the ranges of polymer length and surface tension relevant to DNA condensates, the twist number k* of the optimal twisted bundle toroid is found to vary between 0.84 and 1. To find support for the analytical results, we carried out replica-exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) simulations of stiff polymers with self-attraction. Interestingly, the simulations show that twisted bundle toroids can be obtained in the collapse of these polymers. The twisted bundle conformations, however, are limited to relatively short chains due to the polymeric constraint. For longer chains, the viable toroidal conformations appear to be largely spool-like with some disordered parts. Presenter: Nguyễn Thị Thùy Nhung |
Institute of Physics, VAST
Center for Theoretical Physics |
Center for Computational Physics
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