Institute of Physics, VAST | Center for Theoretical Physics | Center for Computational Physics |
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2nd International Workshop on Theoretical
and Computational Physics (IWTCP-2):
Modern methods and latest results in
particle physics, nuclear physics and astrophysics
Buon Ma Thuot, 28-31 July 2014
ProgrammeWorkshop PresentationI.3 -- Invited, IWTCP-2 Date: Tuesday, 29-07-2014> Time: 14h00 - 14h35> Neutron Electric Dipole Moment Search at the Paul Scherrer InstituteGilles Ban nEDM collaboration and Université de Caen Basse Normandie, Caen, France Search for Electric Dipole Moments (EDM) is a very powerful tool to probe physics beyond the Standard Model. In any Standard Model extension EDM can be calculated, these values can be compared to the experimental limits and therefore SM extensions can be validated. For the neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) the current best limit has been set by the Sussex-Rutherford-ILL [1] at |dn| < 2.9 x 10-26 ecm (90\% CL). This experimental limit is far away from the SM value, still extension of the SM give nEDM values which are in the range of new nEDM experiments. The nEDM is measured via the Larmor frequency shift of ultra cold neutrons (UCN) in parallel and anti- parallel magnetic and electric fields. At the new UCN source at the Paul Scherrer Institute (2011,Switzerland), we have installed an improved RAL Sussex spectrometer and the collaboration aims to put a new limit on the nEDM: in the range of 10- at 95\% CL. In a second step, we aim to improve by another order of magnitude the experimental limit in a new room temperature spectrometer setup at PSI. We will present the experiment status, improvements and discus the ongoing R\&D effort on a new spectrometer schedule to run in 2017. [1] C.A. Baker et al. PRL, 97:131801, 2006. Presenter: Gilles Ban |
Institute of Physics, VAST
Center for Theoretical Physics |
Center for Computational Physics
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