Invited speakers
- Gheorghe Adam (JINR, Dubna)
Handling accuracy in Bayesian automatic adaptive quadrature
- Gilles Ban (nEDM collaboration
and Université de Caen Basse Normandie, Caen)
Neutron Electric Dipole Moment
Search at the Paul Scherrer Institute
- Genevieve Belanger (LAPTH, Annecy)
Dark matter and the Higgs
- Pierre Darriulat (Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, Hanoi)
Nuclear-, particle- and astro-physics: which choice for Viet Nam?
- Nguyen Dinh Dang (RIKEN, Wako city)
Recent achievements in the study of thermal pairing and giant resonances in highly excited nuclei
- Jean-Marie Frère (Université de Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles)
Masses, mixings and Majorana from 6D
- Jinn-Ouk Gong (APCTP, Pohang)
Echoes from the past
- Pham Quang Hung (University of Virginia, Charlottesvilles)
Electroweak-scale seesaw mechanism and its
experimental implications for the LHC and ILC
- Yousuke Itoh (KAGRA collaboration and University of Tokyo, Tokyo)
Status of KAGRA and gravitational wave astronomy
- Tomoyuki Konno (Belle-2 collaboration, and Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo)
Status and prospects of the Belle II experiment
- Yoshimasa Kurihara (KEK, Tsukuba)
Automatic calculation systems for high energy physics
- Masaharu Nomachi (University of Osaka, Osaka)
Computer applications in nuclear and particle physics experiments
- Hien T. Nguyen (CALTECH, Pasadena)
The BICEP2 experiment and result
- Misao Sasaki (YITP, Kyoto university, Kyoto)
Cosmic inflation and its predictions
- Tomohiko Tanabe (University of Tokyo, Tokyo)
Physics at the ILC and progress towards its realization
- Tzu-Chiang Yuan (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei)
Dark U(1)