Scientific Activities
Seminar of Center for Theoretical Physics: | |
Title | Controlling and Probing non-Abelian Emergent Gauge Potentials in Spinor Bose-Fermi Mixtures |
Speaker | Dr. Nguyen Thanh Phuc |
Affiliation | RIKEN CEMS |
Date | Monday, 29-02-2016 |
Time | 10:00 AM |
Location | Room 202, second floor, Institute of physics, 10 Dao Tan, Ba Dinh, Hanoi |
Abstract | Gauge fields, typified by the electromagnetic field, often appear as emergent phenomena due to geometrical properties of a curved Hilbert subspace, and provide a key mechanism for understanding such exotic phenomena as the anomalous and topological Hall effects. Non-abelian gauge potentials serve as a source of non-singular magnetic monopoles. Here we show that unlike conventional solid materials, the non-abelianness of emergent gauge potentials in spinor Bose-Fermi atomic mixtures can be continuously varied by changing the relative particle-number densities of bosons and fermions [1]. The non-abelian feature is captured by an explicit dependence of the measurable spin current density of fermions in the mixture on the variable coupling constant. Spinor mixtures also provide us with a method to coherently and spontaneously generate a pure spin current without relying on the spin Hall effect. Such a spin current is expected to have potential applications in the new generation ofatomtronic devices. [1] Nguyen Thanh Phuc et al., Nat. Com. 6, 8135 (2015). |
Host person | Hoàng Anh Tuấn |