>> Center for Computational Physics


Physics of Atomic Nuclei (ЯДЕРНАЯ ФИЗИКА) 73, 822–835 (2010)


Inflationary Scenario in the Supersymmetric Economical 3-3-1 Model

D. T. Huong, H. N. Long

We construct the supersymmetric economical 3–3–1 model which contains inflationary scenario and avoids the monopole puzzle. Based on the spontaneous symmetry breaking pattern (with three steps), the F-term inflation is derived. The slow-roll parameters _ and η are calculated. By imposing as experimental five-yearWMAP data on the spectral index n, we have derived a constraint on the number of e-folding NQ to be in the range from 25 to 50. The scenario for large-scale structure formation implied by the model is a mixed scenario for inflation and cosmic string, and the contribution to the CMBR temperature anisotropy depends on the ratio MX/MPl. From the COBE data, we have obtained the constraint on the MX to be MX ∈ [1.22 × 1016, 0.98 × 1017] GeV. The upper valueMX _ 1017 GeV is a result of the analysis in which the inflationary contribution to the temperature fluctuations measured by the COBE is 90%. The coupling α varies in the range: 10−7−10−1. This value is not so small, and it is a common characteristics of the supersymmetric unified models with the inflationary scenario. The spectral index n is a little bit smaller than 0.98. The SUGRA corrections are slightly different from the previous consideration. When ξ_1 and α lies in the above range, the spectral index gets the value consistent with the experimental five-year WMAP data. Comparing with string theory, one gets ξ < 10−8. Numerical analysis shows that α ≈ 10−6. To get inflation contribution to the CMBR temperature anisotropy ≈90%, the mass scaleMX ∼ 3.5 × 1014 GeV.