>> Center for Computational Physics


Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 48, 415-417 (2001)


Some problems in the theory of trapping states

N. V. Quang, P. H. Phong

After the 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Chu, Cohen-Tannoudji, and Phillips, great interest returned to both the Bose-Einstein condensation phenomena and the theory of trapping states. In this present work the mixing-states principle, which is proved for the case of two arbitrarily degenerate levels by V. Q. Nguyen [Opt. Com. 1985, 5, 335] is extended to a system of three arbitrarily degenerate levels resonantly interacting with the equal-detuning two-mode laser field. The theorem for the maximal number of trapping states is proved. The consequence of the theorem is the "forbidden rule": trapping states do not exist for a V-system. or for the lambda-type system, in which the sum of the degenerate multiplicity of two low levels is not greater than one of high level.