>> Center for Computational Physics


PHYSICAL REVIEW B 107, L201402 (2023)

ISSN: 2469-9969, SCIE

Charge Kondo circuit as a detector for electron-electron interactions in a Luttinger liquid

T. K. T. Nguyen, A. V. Parafilo, H. Q. Nguyen and M. N. Kiselev

We investigate the effects of the electron-electron interactions on the quantum transport through a charge Kondo circuit. The setup consists of a quantum dot sandwiched between two leads by two nearly transparent single mode quantum point contacts. The size of the interacting area L in the Luttinger liquid formed in the vicinities of the narrow constrictions is assumed to be much smaller compared to the size of the quantum dot a. We predict that the interplay between the electron-electron interactions in the Luttinger liquid and the fingerprints of the non-Fermi liquid behavior in the vicinity of the two channel Kondo intermediate coupling fixed point allows one to determine the interaction strength through the power-law temperature scaling of the electric conductance.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.107.L201402
