>> Center for Computational Physics

Publications in 2003 of Center for Theoretical Physics

Print list

In journals

SCIE journals

NoTitleAuthorsJournalVolNr PageYear
1The Higgs sector of the minimal 3 - 3 - 1 model revisitedN. T. Anh, N. A. Ky, and H. N. Long J. Mod. Phys. A15283 - 3052003
2Charge Ordering under a magnetic field in the extended Hubbard modelD. A. Le, A. T. Hoang and T. T. Nguyen Mod. Phys. Lett. B171103 - 11102003
3Emergence of quasimetallic state in a disordered two-dimensional electron gas due to strong interactionsB. Rosenstein and Tran Minh-Tien Phys. Rev. B682453212003
4Transport properties in a simplified double-exchange modelPhan Van-Nham and Tran Minh-Tien Mod. Phys. Lett. B17392003
5Charge ordered ferromagnetic phase in manganitesTran Minh-Tien Phys. Rev. B671444042003
6Field effects on the magnetic properties of three-layer filmsH. V. Nguyen, V. T. Ngo, T. H. Diep and V. L. Nguyen Physica B3274272003
7Strain Fluctuations in a Real [001]-Oriented Zinc-Blende-Sructure Surface Quantum WellD. N. Quang, V. N. Tuoc and T. D. Huan Physical Review B681533062003
8Variable range hopping in finite one-dimensional and anisotropic two-dimensional systemsV. L. Nguyen and D. T. Dang Physica B 334882003
9Quartic gauge boson couplings and tree unitarity in the SU(3)_C x SU(3)_L x U(1)_N modelsD. T. Binh, D. T. Huong, Tr. T. Huong, H. N. Long, and D. V. Soa J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys2912132003
10Self-interacting dark matter and Higgs bosons in the SU(3)_C x SU(3)_L x U(1)_N model with right-handed neutrinosH. N. Long and N. Q. Lan Europhys. Lett.645712003
11Density of States of a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in a Perpendicular Magnetic Field and a Random Field of Arbitrary CorrelationS. Glutsch, F. Bechstedt, and D. N. Quang J. Phys.: Cond. Matt.1513052003
12Roughness-Induced Piezoelectric Scattering in Lattice-Mismatched Semiconductor Quantum WellsD. N. Quang, V. N. Tuoc, and T. D. Huan Phys. Rev. B681953162003

Non-SCIE journals

NoTitleAuthorsJournalVolNr PageYear
1Ekimov Ansatz and binding energy of exciton type II quantum dotsN. D. Long and N. A. Viet Comm. Phys.131772003
2On the Kondo energy of the periodic Anderson model with interacting conduction electronsH. A. Tuan and N. T. Thang Comm. Phys. 131292003
3Review of the minimal SU(3)_Cx SU(3)_L x U(1)_N model and production of single charged bilepton in e^- \gamma collisionsH. N. Long, D. V. Soa and D. P. Khoi Comm. Phys.13732003
4Fermion mass correction to the Z partial decay widthT. T. Hai, N. V. Hop, N. T. Phong and H. N. Long Comm. Phys.13582003

In conference proceedings

NoTitleAuthorsProceedingsVolNr PageYear
1The Polarization Effect in the Interband Absorption by Excitons in 2D Quantum DotsNguyen Hong Quang, Phung Duy Khuong Proc. of the 27 Conference on Theoretical PhysicsCua Lo 2-6/8/2002209-2132003

Book chapters

NoTitleAuthorsBook, Editors, PublisherVolNr PageYear


NoTitleAuthorsPublisherVolNr PageYear
1An introduction to Quantum Field Theory and Electroweak ModelH. N. Long Science and Technique Publishing House, Hanoi1782003
2Cơ sở lý thuyết của Vật lý lượng tửNguyen Van Hieu, and Nguyen Ba An Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội2003