No | Title | Authors | Journal | Vol | Nr
| Page | Year |
1 | Simple model for interface exciton with the electron-hole separation in a strong magnetic field | N. V. Thanh, and N. A. Viet
| Modern Physics Letters B | 14 | | 899-905 | 2000 |
2 | Simple quantum confinement theory for exciton in indirect gap nanostructures | N. T. V. Oanh, and N. A. Viet
| Intern. J. Mod. Phys. B | 14 | | 1559-1566 | 2000 |
3 | Magnetic field effects on the binding energy of hydrogen impurities in quantum dots with parabolic confinements | Van-Lien Nguyen, Manh-Trinh Nguyen, T. D. Nguyen
| Physica B | 292 | | 153-159 | 2000 |
4 | Induced representations of the two parametric quantum deformation U-pq[gl(2/2)] | N. A. Ky
| Journal of Mathematical Physics | 41 | | 6487-6508 | 2000 |
5 | The Higgs sector of the minimal 3-3-1 model revisited | N. T. Anh, N. A. Ky, and H. N. Long
| International Journal of Modern Physics A | 15 | | 283-305 | 2000 |
6 | S; T;U parameters in an SU(3)_{C}\bigotimes SU(3)_{L}\bigotimes U(1) model with right-handed neutrinos | H. N. Long, and Takeo Inami
| Phys. Rev. D | 61 | | 075002 | 2000 |
7 | Photoproduction of dilatons in an external magnetic field | D. V. Soa, and H. N. Long
| Mod. Phys. Lett. A | 15 | | 23 - 28 | 2000 |
8 | Anomalous magnetic moment of muon in 3 - 3 - 1 models. | N. A. Ky, H. N. Long, and D. V. Soa
| Phys. Lett. B | 486 | | 140 - 146 | 2000 |
9 | Multi-directional higher-order amplitude squeezing | N. B. An
| Phys. Lett. A | 284 | | 72–80 | 2000 |
10 | General multimode difference-squeezing | N. B. An, and V. Tinh
| Phys. Lett. A | 270 | | 27–40 | 2000 |
11 | Biexciton kth power amplitude squeezing due to optical exciton biexciton conversion | V. Tinh, and N. B. An
| International Journal of Modern Physics B, | 14 | | 877 - 888 | 2000 |
12 | Multimode difference squeezing | N. B. An, and V. Tinh
| J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. | 33 | | 2951–2962 | 2000 |
13 | Intrinsic instability and locking of pulsation frequencies in free-running two-mode class-B lasers | Kenju Otsuka, Siao-Lung Hwong, and N. B. An
| Phys. Rev. A | 16 | | 053815 | 2000 |
14 | Biexciton squeezing due to optical exciton-biexciton conversion | V. Tinh, D. H. Nha, and N. B. An
| International Journal of Modern Physics B, | 14 | | 91 - 100 | 2000 |
15 | Effects of Surface Roughness and Alloy Disorder on the Density of States of the Disordered Electron Gas in Semiconductor Quantum Wires | D. N. Quang, and N. H. Tung
| Physical Review B | 62 | | 15337 | 2000 |
16 | Spontaneous emission from an atom inside a dielectric sphere | Pham Le Kien, Nguyen Hong Quang, Khozu Hakuta
| Optics Commun. | 178 | | 151-164 | 2000 |
17 | Charged magnetoexcitons in parabolic quantum dots | N. H. Quang, S. Ohnuma, and A. Natori
| Phys. Rev. B | 62 | | 12955 | 2000 |