>> Center for Computational Physics

Publications in 1984 of Center for Theoretical Physics

Print list

In journals

SCIE journals

NoTitleAuthorsJournalVolNr PageYear
1On semi-simplicity of superalgebrasN. A. Viet Acta Physica Hungarica5639-451984
2On the damping of the excitonic polaritonsN. C. Hoang, Van Hieu Nguyen, Ai Viet Nguyen Phys. Stat. Sol. B126247-2521984
3Polariton effect in non-linear acoustooptical phenomenaNguyen Van Hieu, Ha Vinh Tan Phys. Stat. Sol. B125245-2501984

Non-SCIE journals

NoTitleAuthorsJournalVolNr PageYear

In conference proceedings

NoTitleAuthorsProceedingsVolNr PageYear

Book chapters

NoTitleAuthorsBook, Editors, PublisherVolNr PageYear


NoTitleAuthorsPublisherVolNr PageYear