>> Center for Computational Physics

Publications in 1983 of Center for Theoretical Physics

Print list

In journals

SCIE journals

NoTitleAuthorsJournalVolNr PageYear
1On the equivalence of 2 approaches in the exciton-polariton theoryH. V. Tan, N. T. Thang Czechoslovak Journal of Physics331121-11331983
2Parametric excitation of electron density fluctuations in narrow gap semiconductorsN. N. Dat Czechoslovak Journal of Physics331239-12471983
3Theory of representations of the superalgebra of extended supersymmetryNguyen Van Hieu Theortical and Mathematical Physics571080-10851983
4Reparametrization of supergroup - superspace as a vectorspaceN. A. Viet Acta Physica Hungarica54353-3591983
5On the theory of the non-linear acoustooptical effect in semiconductorsN. C. Hoang, V. H. Nguyen, V. T. Ha Phys. Stat. Sol. B11625-291983

Non-SCIE journals

NoTitleAuthorsJournalVolNr PageYear

In conference proceedings

NoTitleAuthorsProceedingsVolNr PageYear

Book chapters

NoTitleAuthorsBook, Editors, PublisherVolNr PageYear


NoTitleAuthorsPublisherVolNr PageYear