>> Center for Computational Physics

Publications in 2017 of Center for Theoretical Physics

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In journals

SCIE journals

  1. Adil S. Rab, Emanuele Polino, Zhong-Xiao Man, Nguyen Ba An, Yun-Jie Xia, Nicolò Spagnolo, Rosario Lo Franco & Fabio Sciarrino, Entanglement of photons in their dual waveparticle nature, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 8, 915 (2017)
  2. Zhong-Xiao Man, Yun-JieXia & Nguyen Ba An, Simultaneous observation of particle and wave behaviors of entangled photons, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7, 42539 (2017)
  3. Nguyen Van Hop, Cao Thi Bich, Nguyen Ba An, On the Role of the Controller in Controlled Quantum Teleportation, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 56, 810–821 (2017)
  4. Alexandre Alves, Giorgio Arcadi, P.V. Dong, Laura Duarte, Farinaldo S. Queiroz, José W.F. Valle, Matter-parity as a residual gauge symmetry: Probing a theory of cosmological dark matter, PHYSICS LETTERS B 772, 825–831 (2017)
  5. D.N. Dinh, L. Merlo, S.T. Petcov, and R. Vega-Álvarez, Revisiting Minimal Lepton Flavour Violation in the light of leptonic CP violation, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 07, 089 (2017)
  6. N.H. Thao, L.T. Hue, H.T. Hung, N.T. Xuan, Lepton flavor violating Higgs boson decays in seesaw models: New discussions, Nuclear Physics B 921, 159-180 (2017)
  7. L. T. Hue, A. B. Arbuzov, N. T. K. Ngan, H. N. Long, Probing neutrino and Higgs sectors in SU(2)_1x SU(2)_2x U(1)_y model with lepton-flavor non-universality, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 77, 346 (2017)
  8. P. V. Dong, D. T. Huong, D. V. Loi, N. T. Nhuan, and N. T. K. Ngan, Phenomenology of the SU(3)C⊗SU(2)L⊗SU(3)R⊗U(1)X gauge model, Physical Review D 95, 075034 (2017)
  9. D. T. Huong, P. V. Dong, Neutrino masses and superheavy dark matter in the 3-3-1-1 model, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 77, 204 (2017)
  10. Dinh Nhu Thao, Le Thi Ngoc Bao, Duong Dinh Phuoc and Nguyen Hong Quang, A theoretical study of the optical Stark effect in InGaAs/InAlAs quantum dots, Semiconductor Science and Technology 32, 025014 (2017)
  11. N. Anh Ky and N. Thi Hong Van (with other co-authors), A white paper on keV sterile neutrino dark matter, JCAP 01, 025 (2017)

Non-SCIE journals

  1. Nguyen Duc Duoc Phan, Nhu Dat Nguyen, Van Hau Tran, Toan Thang Nguyen and Van Hieu Nguyen, Functional integral method in quantum field theory of Dirac fermions in graphene, Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 8, 035018 (2017)
  2. Pham Thi Thanh Nga, Phan Thu Trang and Nguyen Toan Thang, Magnetic order of spin S = 1 antiferromagnetic quantum Heisenberg systems on a Bravais lattice: exact local constraint, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 865, 012015 (2017)
  3. Pham Thi Thanh Nga, Phan Thu Trang and Nguyen Toan Thang, The spatially anisotropic triangular lattice antiferromagnet: Popov-Fedotov method, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 865, 012014 (2017)
  4. Le Van Xuan, Nguyen Khac Ngoc, Nguyen Tri Lan and Nguyen Ai Viet, A non–extensive thermodynamic theory of ecological systems, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 865, 012012 (2017)
  5. Ngo Gia Vinh, Man Van Ngu, Nguyen Tri Lan, Luu Thi Kim Thanh, Nguyen Thi Dung and Nguyen Ai Viet, Some applications using the connection between q-deformed harmonic oscillator and symmetric and asymmetric potentials, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 865, 012006 (2017)
  6. Nguyen Anh Sang, Do Thi Thu Thuy, Nguyen Thi Ha Loan, Nguyen Tri Lan and Nguyen Ai Viet, Energy spectrum inverse problem of q-deformed harmonic oscillator and entanglement of composite bosons, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 865, 012002 (2017)
  7. Nguyen Van Hoa, Le Van Xuan, Nguyen Tri Lan and Nguyen Ai Viet, On the mass enhancement of black body background fluctuations, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 865, 012013 (2017)
  8. Van Hop Nguyen, Thi Bich Cao and Ba An Nguyen, Optimal joint remote state preparation in the presence of various types of noises, Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 8, 015012 (2017)

In conference proceedings

  1. Nguyen Duc Duoc Phan, Van Hau Tran, Van Hieu Nguyen and Toan Thang Nguyen, Functional integral method in quantum field theory of Dirac fermions and plasmons in graphene, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Nanotechnology and Applications –IWNA 2017 8 (11), 25-28 (2017)

Book chapters

  1. Phùng Văn Đồng, Mô hình 3-3-1-1 cho vật chất tối, Sách vàng sáng tạo Việt Nam năm 2017- Nhà xuất bản Khoa học Kỹ thuật, 36-41 (2017)
