>> Center for Computational Physics

Publications in 2002 of Center for Theoretical Physics

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In journals

SCIE journals

  1. H. A. Tuan, and P Thalmeier, Coherent potential approximation for charge ordering in the extended Hubbard model, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 44, 6639–6646 (2002)
  2. N. B. An, and T. M. Duc, Generation of three-mode nonclassical vibrational states of ions, Phys. Rev. A 66, 065401 (2002)
  3. N. B. An, and T. M. Duc, Even and odd trio coherent states: antibunching and violation of Cauchy–Schwarz inequalities, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 4, 289–294 (2002)
  4. N. B. An, and T. M. Duc, Excited K-quantum nonlinear coherent states, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 35, 4749–4754 (2002)
  5. N. B. An, Multimode higher-order antibunching and squeezing in trio coherent states, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 4, 222–227 (2002)
  6. N. B. An, and T. M. Duc, Flower-like squeezing in the motion of a laser-driven trapped ion, International Journal of Modern Physics B 16, 519 - 529 (2002)
  7. N. B. An, and T. M. Duc, Trio coherent states, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 4, 80–85 (2002)
  8. D. N. Quang, V. N. Tuoc , N. H. Tung, and T. D. Huan, Random Piezoelectric Field in Real [001]-Oriented Strain-Relaxed Semiconductor, Physical Review Letters 89, 077601 (2002)
  9. Akiko Natori, Shin Ohnuma, Nguyen Hong Quang, Photoluminescence of Charged Magneto-excitons in InAs Single Quantum Dots, Appl. Surf. Sci. 190, 205-211 (2002)

Non-SCIE journals

In conference proceedings

  1. Ngo Tuan Anh, Phung Duy Khuong, Nguyen Hong Quang, The Zeeman Effect in the Interband Absorption by Excitons in Quantum Dots, Proc. of the 5-th National Conference on Physics Ha noi 1-3/3/2001, 413-417 (2002)
  2. Pham Le Kien, Nguyen Hong Quang, K. Hakuta, Multiorder Stimulated Raman Scattering in a High-Q Cavity, Proc. of the 5-th National Conference on Physics Ha noi 1-3/3/2001, 337-344 (2002)
  3. Phung Duy Khuong, Ngo Tuan Anh, Nguyen Hong Quang, The Confinement Effect on the Exciton States in Quantum Dots, Proc. of the 5-th National Conference on Physics Ha noi 1-3/3/2001, 331-336 (2002)

Book chapters
