>> Center for Computational Physics

Publications in 1997 of Center for Theoretical Physics

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In journals

SCIE journals

  1. N. V. Lien, and R. Rosenbaum, General crossovers from two-dimensional Mott T-1/3 to soft-gap T-v variable-range hopping, Physical Review B 56, 14960-14963 (1997)
  2. H. A. Tuan, The equivalence of CPA and Hubbard-III-I approximation in the two-band Hubbard model, Modern Physics Letters B 11, 779-784 (1997)
  3. R. Rosenbaum, N. V. Lien, M. R. Graham, and M. Witcomb, A useful Mott-Efros-Shklovskii resistivity crossover formulation for three-dimensional films, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 9, 6247-6256 (1997)
  4. H. N. Cam, Biexciton-biexciton interaction in semiconductors, Physical Review B 55, 10487-10497 (1997)
  5. H. N. Long, and D. V. Soa, Conversion of photons into spinless particles in periodic external electromagnetic field, Nuovo Cimento 110A, 55 - 63 (1997)
  6. N. B. An, On number of exciton surface states in multilayer molecular slabs, Acta Physica Polonica A 92, 1197 (1997)
  7. P. A. Khandokhin, P. Mandel, I. V. Korykin, B. A. Nguyen & Ya. I. Khanin, Multimode Fabry-Perot laser: Number of relaxation frequencies, Izv. Vuz. Radiophizika 1-2, 161 (1997)
  8. P. A. Khandokhin, Paul Mandel, I. V. Koryukin, B. A. Nguyen, and Y. a. I. Khanin, Disappearance of relaxation oscillation frequencies in a multimode solid-state laser, Phys. Lett. A 235, 248-252 (1997)
  9. N. B. An, Higher-order amplitude squeezing of photons propagating through a semiconductor, Phys. Lett. A 234, 45-52 (1997)
  10. N. B. An, Quantum-well exciton dipolar interaction: polarization dependence and Z-LT splitting, Phys. Lett. A 231, 265-272 (1997)
  11. Paul Mandely, B A Nguyen, and K Otsukaz, Universal dynamical properties of three-mode Fabry–Perot lasers, Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 9, 365–380 (1997)
  12. N. B. An, and Paul Mandel, Antiphase dynamics: a generalized reference model, Optics Communications 138, 81-86 (1997)
  13. D. N. Quang, Auger Recombination in an Intense Acoustic Noise Field, Physica Status Solidi B 200, 199 (1997)
  14. D. N. Quang, N. N. Dat, and D. V. An, Effect of Impurity Correlation on the Density of States in Slightly Compensated Heavily Doped Semiconductors, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 66, 140 (1997)

Non-SCIE journals

In conference proceedings

  1. Nguyen Hong Quang, The Influence of Nonlinear Effects on the Phonoriton States in Highly Excited Semiconductors, Proc. of 22nd Conference on Theoretical Physics DoSon 3-5/8/1997, 135-138 (1997)
  2. H. N. Long, and D. V. Soa, Gauge boson self-interactions in the SU(3)_{C}\bigotimes SU(3)_{L}\bigotimes U(1) model, in Proceedings of the 32nd Rencontres de Moriond, '97 Electroweak Interac- tions and Unified Theories, 249 - 254 (1997)

Book chapters
