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48th Vietnam Conference on Theoretical Physics (VCTP-48)
Hội nghị Vật lý lý thuyết Việt Nam lần thứ 48
Đà Nẵng, 31 July - 3 August, 2023
ProgrammeP.34 -- Poster, VCTP-48 Date: Tuesday, 1 August 2023> Time: 08:30 - 10:00> Thermal-Magnetic Effect on the Energy Spectra of a Hydrogen Atom in a Screened Potential Placed in a Uniform Magnetic FieldDuy-Nhat Ly (1), Thanh-Truc N. Huynh (2), Duy-Kien Pham (1), Thu-Ha N. Luong (1), Huong-Giang T. Nguyen (1), Huu-Duc Le (1), Van-Hoang Le (1) (1) Ho Chi Minh City University of Education; (2) Marie Curie High School, Q3 The energy spectra of a hydrogen atom in a screened potential placed in a uniform magnetic field have been a topic of great interest in plasma physics [1], [2]. Currently, it is possible to create plasma in the laboratory with temperatures reaching several MeV [3]. Consequently, in addition to studying the influence of the magnetic field on the energy spectra of hydrogen atoms, it is necessary to investigate the thermal movement of the electron-nucleus center of mass in the magnetic field. This effect is taken into account by incorporating the term $-\frac{e}{M}\left( \mathbf{B}\times \mathbf{K} \right)\cdot \mathbf{r}$ in the exact Hamiltonian, which separates it from the movement of the center of mass [4], [5]. Here, $\mathbf{K}$ represents the pseudo-momentum vector of the center of mass, which is temperature-dependent according to the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution, given by $\overline{{{K}^{2}}}=3M\,{{k}_{B }}T.$ In this study, we investigate the simultaneous effects of the thermal motion of the center of mass and the magnetic field on the energy spectra, referred to as the thermal-magnetic effect. Perturbation theory is employed to examine this effect while considering the combined influences of temperature and magnetic field on the spectra. Preliminary results indicate that in the ground state, the energy shift is only $0.01\%$ at a temperature of $T=60\times {{10}^{6}}\text{ K}$ and a magnetic field of $B=2.35\times {{10}^{4}}\text{ Tesla}.$ Although the influence is small in the ground state, we anticipate a significant thermo-magnetic effect on the energy levels of excited states. [1] Duy-Nhat Ly, Ngoc-Tram D. Hoang, and Van-Hoang Le, Phys. Plasmas, 2021, doi: 10.1063/5.0049564. [2] Z.-B. Chen, et. al., J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf., 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2020.107170. [3] T. C. Luce, Phys. Plasmas, 2011, doi: 10.1063/1.3551571. [4] Ngoc-Tram D. Hoang, Duy-Nhat Ly, and Van-Hoang Le, Phys. Rev. B, 2020, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.101.127401. [5] Duy-Nhat Ly, Dai-Nam Le, Ngoc-Hung Phan, and Van-Hoang Le, Phys. Rev. B, 2023, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.107.155410. Presenter: Lý Duy Nhất |
Institute of Physics, VAST
Center for Theoretical Physics |
Center for Computational Physics
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