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40th National Conference on Theoretical Physics (NCTP-40)
Hội nghị Vật lý lý thuyết toàn quốc lần thứ 40
Đà Lạt, 27-29 July 2015
ProgramO.13 -- Oral, NCTP-40 Date: Wednesday, 29 July 2015> Time: 11h00 - 11h20> Seesaw-deflected anomaly mediation and the 125GeV Higgs bosonTran Minh Hieu (1), Nobuchika Okada (2) (1) Hanoi University of Science and Technology; (2) University of Alabama We investigate the phenomenology of a class of model that at the same time solves the tachyonic slepton problem originated from the pure anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking (AMSB) model and generates neutrino masses. The heavy fields in seesaw mechanism play the role of messengers in the deflected AMSB scenario. Taking into account various theoretical and phenomenological constraints, especially the measured limits for the Higgs mass, we specify the viable parameter regions and depict the properties of dark matter candidate. We point out that the type III seesaw with three generations of 24-messenger is excluded, while the type II seesaw and type III seesaw with two generations of 24-messenger are still allowed. Even though the sparticle masses are too heavy to be directly detected at the LHC, results on the spin-independent cross-section of the scattering between the lightest neutralino and proton show the possibility to see evidences of new physics from future dark matter search experiments. In these models, lepton flavor violation is indispensable due to the Yukawa couplings between the seesaw messenger sector and MSSM fields (Yukawa mediation). Interestingly, we find that such dangerous FCNC effects are indeed suppressed because of the upper limit on the messenger scale induced by the electroweak symmetry breaking condition. Presenter: Trần Minh Hiếu |
Institute of Physics, VAST
Center for Theoretical Physics |
Center for Computational Physics
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