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Seminar on Theoretical and Computational Physics:
TitleBose, Bosons and Boson Condensation
SpeakerProfessor Mukunda Das
AffiliationDepartment of Theoretical Physics, RSPE The Australian National University Canberra, ACT 6201 Australia
DateTuesday, 06-11-2018
Time10:00 AM
LocationMeeting room, 6th floor, 2H Building, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Hanoi
AbstractIn order to explain the black body radiation phenomenology by quantum hypothesis of Plank and Einstein, in 1924 S N Bose derived rigorously the distribution of light quanta. There is an interesting history of publication of Bose’s papers translated by Einstein from English to German. Einstein extended Bose’s work to dilute atomic systems and predicted what is known now as Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC). Nearly seven decades after the prediction there is a kind of revolution of BEC physics in dilute gases at ultra-cold conditions. Coming year is the 125th birth anniversary of S N Bose. On this occasion I shall present the history of the Bosons and BEC. I shall discuss the microscopic theory of Bogoliubov, phenomenological theory of Gross and Pitaevskii and a variety of novel physics, namely collective excitations, superfluidity, bosonic vortices etc.
Host personTrịnh Xuân Hoàng