>> Center for Theoretical Physics


Journal of Applied Physics 111, 114703 (2012)


A new type of optical biosensor from DNA wrapped semiconductor graphene ribbons

Anh D. Phan and N. A. Viet

Based on a model of the optical biosensors [Heller et al., Science 311, 508 (2006)] by wrapping a piece of double-stranded DNA around the surface of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), we propose a new design model of this sensor, in which the SWCNT is replaced by a semiconductor graphene ribbon (SGR). Using a simple theory of exciton in SGRs, we investigated transition of DNA secondary structure from the native, right-handed B form to the alternate, left-handed Z form. This structural phase transition of DNA is the working principle of this optical biosensor at the sub cellular level from DNA and semiconductor graphene ribbons.

URL: http://jap.aip.org/resource/1/japiau/v111/i11/p114703_s1