>> Center for Theoretical Physics

Publications in 2011 of Center for Computational Physics

Print list

In journals

SCIE journals

NoTitleAuthorsJournalVolNr PageYear
1Repulsive and attractive Casimir interactions in liquidsAnh D. Phan, N. A. Viet Phys. Rev. A840625032011
2Effect of Peierls transition in armchair carbon nanotube on dynamical behaviour of encapsulated fullereneNikolai A Poklonski, Sergey A Vyrko, Eugene F Kislyakov, Nguyen N Hieu, Oleg N Bubel, Andrei M Popov, Yurii E Lozovik, Andrey A Knizhnik, Irina V Lebedeva and Nguyen A Viet Nanoscale Research Letters62162011
3The RNA core weakly influences the interactions of the bacteriophage MS2 at key environmental interfacesThanh H. Nguyen, Nickolas Easter, Leonardo Gutierrez, Lauren Huyett, Emily Defnet, Steven E. Mylon, James K. Ferri and Nguyen Ai Viet Soft Matter710449-104562011
4Resonant tunneling structures based on epitaxial graphene on SiCV. Hung Nguyen, A. Bournel, and P. Dollfus SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY261250122011
5EPB Model of DNA and Thermodynamic Effective Bio TimeV. Thanh Ngo, and N. A. Viet Modern Physics Letters B251151–11552011
6Temperature Dependence of the Rate Constants of Charge Recombination Reactions in Bacterial Reaction CentersT. T. Thuy, V. T. H. Yen, T. T. Thao and Nguyen Ai Viet Modern Physics Letters B251127–11322011
7Trapping Cold Atoms by a Carbon NanotubeT. A. Chu, D. T. Nga, T. T. Thao, V. Thanh Ngo, and N. A. Viet Modern Physics Letters B25979–9852011
8Giant effect of negative differential conductance in graphene nanoribbon p-n hetero-junctionsV. Hung Nguyen, F. Mazzamuto, J. Saint-Martin, A. Bournel, and P. Dollfus Appl. Phys. Lett.990421052011
9Electronic band structures of graphene nanoribbons with self-passivating edge reconstructionsL Tung Nguyen, C Huy Pham and V Lien Nguyen J. Phys.: Condens. Matter232955032011
10Enhanced thermoelectric properties in graphene nanoribbons by resonant tunneling of electronsF. Mazzamuto, V. Hung Nguyen, Y. Apertet, C. Ca¨er, C. Chassat, J. Saint-Martin, and P. Dollfus Physical Review B832354262011
11Large peak-to-valley ratio of negative-differential-conductance in graphene p-n junctionsV. Hung Nguyen, A. Bournel and P. Dollfus Journal of Applied Physics1090937062011
12Spin-polarized current and tunneling magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic gate bilayer graphene structuresV. Hung Nguyen, A. Bournel, and P. Dollfus Journal of Applied Physics1090737172011

Non-SCIE journals

NoTitleAuthorsJournalVolNr PageYear

In conference proceedings

NoTitleAuthorsProceedingsVolNr PageYear
1Nanostructuration of graphene nanoribbons for thermoelectric applicationsF. Mazzamuto, J. Saint-Martin, V. Hung Nguyen, Y. Apertet, C. Chassat, P. Dollfus International Conference on Simulation of semiconductor Processes and DevicesVol. 12232011

Book chapters

NoTitleAuthorsBook, Editors, PublisherVolNr PageYear


NoTitleAuthorsPublisherVolNr PageYear