19-21 July:
Introduction to the standard model and just beyond
by Aldo Deandrea (Lyon University, Lyon)
The basis of the standard model of particle physics, in particular in the first
lecture the effective low energy Fermi theory, the use of gauge symmetries
and the basic mechanism of symmetry breaking in this context are given. In
the second lecture the standard model Lagrangian, its symmetries and its
Feynman rules are detailed. In a third lecture phenomenology and possible
extensions, such as the two doublet Higgs model and larger symmetry groups
as SU(5) will be discussed.
Further reading
22-24 July:
An introduction to next-to-leading order calculations
by Le Duc Ninh (Max-Planck Institute of Physics, Munich and Institute
of Physics, Hanoi)
In these lectures I will give an introduction to next-to-leading order (NLO)
calculations in gauge theories. The level of discussion is aimed at students
who are familiar with quantum field theory (QFT), Feynman rules and tree
level calculations. The topics include renormalization, one-loop integrals and
phase space integrals. This lecture is also devoted to some practical exercises
on NLO calculations in QED and the Standard Model. I will introduce the
computer programs
and show how to use them in practice. The participants are encouraged to have
those programs installed in their laptops with Linux OS.
References: (do not try to read everything)
- An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Michael E. Peskin and Daniel V.
Schroeder (almost everything about QFT).
- Particle Kinematics, E. Byckling and K. Kajantie, John Wiley and Sons (1973)
(about phase space integrals).
- Techniques for calculation of electroweak radiative corrections at the one loop
level and results for W physics at LEP-200, Ansgar Denner, arXiv: 0709.1075
[hep-ph] (advanced manual for NLO calculations).
- One Loop Corrections for e+ e- Annihilation Into mu+ mu- in the Weinberg
Model, G. Passarino and M. Veltman, Nucl.Phys. B160, 151,1979.
- Scalar One Loop Integrals, Gerard 't Hooft, M.J.G. Veltman, Nucl.Phys. B153,
365-401, 1979.
26-28 July:
Beyond the Standard Model: Supersymmetry and Extra Dimensions
by Giacomo Cacciapaglia (Lyon University, Lyon)
In these lectures I will introduce possible extensions of the Standard Model at
the TeV scale, which is the energy frontier currently being probed by the LHC
experiments. The extensions are mainly motivated by the stability of the
electroweak scale and by the presence of Dark Matter in the Universe. In the
first lecture I will briefly introduce the idea of supersymmetry. In the
following I will focus on extra dimensions, and introduce two models:
Higgsless models in warped extra dimensions and a model of Kaluza-Klein
Dark Matter in flat space. Some lecture notes will be provided.
Further reading: