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46th Vietnam Conference on Theoretical Physics (VCTP-46)
Hội nghị Vật lý lý thuyết Việt Nam lần thứ 46
Hà Nội, 4-6 October, 2021
ProgrammeI.3 -- Invited, VCTP-46 Date: Monday, 4 October 2021> Time: 10:30 - 11:00> The hierarchy problem and inflation in fiber fabric of spacetimeCao Hoang Nam (1), Tran Dinh Tham (2), Nguyen Huy Thao (3), Tran Ngoc Hung (4) (1) Phenikaa University; (2) Pham Van Dong University; (3) Hanoi Pedagogical University 2; (4) Institute of Physics The large hierarchy between quantum gravity and electroweak scales could be resolved by proposing the large extra dimensions with the fundamental Planck scale being of the order of TeV scale. But, there would appear a new hierarchy between the inverse size of the extra dimensions and the fundamental Planck scale. In this paper, we will represent a resolution for the hierarchy problem where the inverse size of the extra dimension and the fundamental Planck scale would all be of the order of TeV scale by proposing a fiber fabric of spacetime. The origin of the large hierarchy is essentially due to the $\cosh$ function which is physically obtained from the dynamics of the horizontal metric in the vacuum of non-zero energy. In addition, the fiber fabric of spacetime allows us to resolve the problem of what to fix the size of the extra dimension in an elegant and natural way, which are usually encountered in the higher dimensional theories. Then, we explore the inflation with the modulus of the extra dimension identified as the inflaton. Presenter: Cao Hoang Nam |
Institute of Physics, VAST
Center for Theoretical Physics |
Center for Computational Physics
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