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44th Vietnam Conference on Theoretical Physics (VCTP-44)
Hội nghị Vật lý lý thuyết Việt Nam lần thứ 44
Đồng Hới, 29 July - 1 August, 2019
ProgrammeP.43 -- Poster, VCTP-44 Date: Tuesday, 30 July 2019> Time: 08:30 - 10:00> Algebraic relation between bases of the nine-dimensional MICZ-Kepler problemDai-Nam Le (1,2), Van-Hoang Le (3) (1) Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics Research Group, Advanced Institute of Materials Science, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (2) Faculty of Applied Sciences, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (3) Department of Physics, Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, 280 An Duong Vuong St., Dist. 5, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Recently, different bases of the wavefunctions of the nonrelativistic MICZ-Kepler problem in the nine-dimensional Euclidean space (9D MICZ-KP) has been investigated analytically by the variable-separation method. In this report, each basis set of the wavefunctions is proved to be eigenfunctions of a corresponding set of 9 algebraically-independent integrals of motion in which they all commute to each other. The existences of such sets expectedly come from $SO(10)$ symmetry and the maximal superintegrability of the 9D MICZ-KP. Also, the relations between different bases are algebraically proposed via the connections between their sets of constants of motion. Presenter: Le Dai Nam |
Institute of Physics, VAST
Center for Theoretical Physics |
Center for Computational Physics
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