Chuong trinh du kien HNVLLT27
nghi Vat ly ly thuyet toan quoc lan thu 27
(Cua lo, Nghe An, 2 –
6 /8/2002)
Chuong trinh du kien
Phan cac bao cao trinh
bay mieng
3/8/2002. Buoi sang
8.00 - 8.15 |
Dang ky dai bieu |
8.15 - 8.30 |
Khai mac |
8.30 - 8.45 |
Nguyen Van Hieu On the Microscopic Theory of Coexisting Spontaneous Ferromagnetism and Super-conductivity in Itinerant Electron Systems |
8.45 - 9.00 |
Dao Vong Duc A symmetry property for circuits in quantum computer |
9.00 - 9.15 |
Nguyen Van Trong Exciton-polaritons
of a semiconductor quantum well embedded in an asymmetric dielectric
structure |
9.15 - 9.30 |
Dang Quang Thieu, Pham Ngoc Dinh, Nguyen Tien
Dung, Bui Duc Hieu, Nguyen Phuc,
Pham Trung Phuong, Pierre Darriulat, va Vo Van Thuan First measurement of muon flux at the Vietnam Auger
Training Laboratory (VATLY) |
9.30 - 9.45 |
Vu Xuan Minh On the self-force of bodies |
9.45 - 10.00 |
Giai lao |
10.00 - 10.15 |
Nguyen Van Hieu, Nguyen Hung Son, Ngo Van Thanh va Hoang Ba Thang Magnetic and Superconducting Phase Transitions of
Itinerant Electron System in t-J model |
10.15 - 10.30 |
Ngo Van Thanh, H. T. Diep va Nguyen Ai Viet Monte-Carlo study of surface-frustrated Heisenberg thin
films with magneto-elastic coupling: an off-lattice model |
10.30 -10.45 |
Bach Thanh Cong, Phạm Ngọc Anh Huy va Nguyen Hoang Long Landau phase transition theory for colossal
magnetoresistance perovskites |
10.45 - 11.00 |
Vu Van Hung, Nguyen Thanh Hai Calculation of thermodynamic quantities of
metals using EAM potentials |
11.00 - 11.15 |
Vo Thanh Cuong, Nguyen Anh Ky q-Boson creation-annihilation operator representations
of D_4 |
Ngay 3/8/2002. Buoi chieu
1.45 - 2.00 |
Tran Huu Phat, Nguyen Tuan Anh, Le Viet Hoa The matter stability in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model |
2.00 - 2.15 |
Nguyen Mong Giao, Do Han, Tran Minh Ngoc, Hoang Thi Kieu Trang Cac yeu to ma tran CKM ca vi pham doi xung CP trong cac
he hat B |
2.15 - 2.30 |
Hoang Anh Tuan, Le Duc Anh
Reentrant charge ordering behavior in the extended
Hubbard model |
2.30 - 2.45 |
Nguyen Huy Cong Resonance fluorescence spectrum in the presence of
broad-band squeezed vacuum and collisions |
2.45 - 3.00 |
Nguyen Van Hung Ab initio calculation of EXAFS including anharmonic
contribution |
3.00 - 3.15 |
Giai lao |
3.15 - 3.30 |
Barkovskii L.M, Pho Thi Nguyet Hang Cauchyoperators in the approximate solutions of tensor
wave equations of optics and acoustics for anisotropic media |
3.30 - 3.45 |
Dao Tien Khoa From the Nuclear Rainbow to the Equation of State for
Cold Nuclear Matter |
3.45 - 4.00 |
Ho Quang Quy, Vu Ngoc Sau va Nguyen Van Hoa Catastrophe characters of the mach-zehnder
interferometer with absorption- nonlinear material |
4.00 - 4.15 |
Nguyen Anh Ky, Nguyen Thi Hong Van Hopf structure of $U_{pq}[gl(2/1)]$ and its
representations |
4.15 - 4.30 |
Nguyen Chinh Cuong, Le Trong Tuong, Ha Huy Bang Squark decays into charginos and neutralinos |
4/8/2002. Buoi sang
8.00 - 8.15 |
Dao Vong Duc, Nguyen Ngoc Thuan Algorithm for generalized Deutsch's problem in quantum computing |
8.15 - 8.30 |
Tri Dung va Tran Thoai Duy Bao Bottleneck effect in relaxation kinetics of cavity polaritons and its suppression |
8.30 - 8.45 |
Vu Ngoc Tuoc, Doan Nhat Quang Roughness-induced piezoelectric scattering in
lattice-mismatched quantum wells of zinc-blende material |
8.45 - 9.00 |
Tran Minh Tien Spin
and charge responce of a simplified double-exchange model with diagonal
disorder |
9.00 - 9.15 |
Nguyen Huyen Tung, Vu Ngoc Tuoc, Tran Doan Huan, Doan Nhat Quang Random piezoelectric field in a real strain-relaxed
surface quantum well |
9.15 - 9.30 |
Nguyen Van Hung, Le Hai Hung Correlation effects in atomic vibrations of cubic
crystal in EXAFS |
9.30 -9.45 |
Giai lao |
9.45 - 10.00 |
Vu Van Hung, Nguyen Quang Hoc, va Pham Thi Minh Hanh Influence of anharmonicity effect on the thermodynamic
properties of semiconducting crystals |
10.00 - 10.15 |
Hoang Dung, Mai Xuan Li, D. Dominguez AC resistivity in $s$-wave and $d$-wave superconductors |
10.15 - 10.30 |
Nguyen Van Hoa, Hoang Anh Tuan va Nguyen Toan Thang Superconductivity with breathing and buckling modes
of electron-phonon interaction: d-like transition temperature |
10.30 - 10.45 |
Nguyen Duc Long Ekimov Ansatz and binding energy of exciton type II
quantum dots |
10.45 - 11.00 |
Nguyen Quoc Hung, Pham Thi Nguyet Nga, Nguyen
Quang Bau Ly thuyet gia tang song am (phonon am) do hap thu buc
xa laser trong day luong tu hinh chu nhat voi ho the vo han. |
11.00 - 11.15 |
Dao Xuan Hoi, Cao Thanh Le Semiclassical theory for distributed -feedback laser |
Ngay 4/8/2002. Buoi chieu
1.45 - 2.00 |
Nguyen Hong Quang Charged biexcitons
in 2D parabolic quantum dots |
2.00 - 2.15 |
Nguyen Van Lien, Pham Nam Phong Electrostatic correlations in system of a cylindrical
macroion with oppositely charged counterions |
2.15 - 2.30 |
Nguyen Van Lien, Dang Dinh Toi Variable range hopping in finite one dimensional and
anisoprotic two dimensional systems |
2.30 - 2.45 |
Thai Doan Thanh, Nguyen Huy Cong va Phan Manh Ha Probe-absorption spectrum in a squeezed thermal vacuum |
2.45 - 3.00 |
Giai lao |
3.00 - 3.15 |
Bui Le Diem, Nguyen Anh Ky va Nguyen Thi Hong Van Clebsch-Gordan decomposition and finite-dimensional
representations of the quantum superalgebra $U_q[gl(2/2)]$ |
3.15 - 3.30 |
Pham Dinh Tam, Nguyen Xuan Quang, Nguyen Duc
Tien, Tran Quang Khai Ly thuyet ve cac hieu ung phi dieu hoa trong hop kim -II
Ly thuyet nhiet dong cua hop kim thay the cau truc lap phuong |
3.30 - 4.00 |
mac, Dai bieu cho y kien. |
Phan cac bao cao trinh
bay bang
Tu ngay 3/8 – 5/8/2002
Ly thuyet truong
va Vat ly hat nhan
Mong Giao, Tu Thanh Danh, Nguyen Thi Tien Nhut
Ve kha nang huy cac chat phong xa dai ngay bang lo phan ung hat nhan dieu khien bang may gia toc
Tuan Khai va Tran Duc Thiep
Energy distribution of Bremsstrahlung and target thickness effects at electron beams between 15 and 35 MeV
Anh Ky, Nguyen Thi Hong Van
Clebsch-Gordan decomposition and finite-dimensional representations of the quantum superalgebra $U_q[gl(2/1)]$
Thi Ha Loan, Nguyen Hong Ha
q, R-deformed Heiseberg algebra and statistics of quantum oscillators
P5. Hoang Ngoc Long va Nguyen Quynh Lan
The $SU(3)_C SU(3)_L U(1)_N$ Models with Biquark Gauge Bosons
Ngoc Long, Dang Van Soa, and Hoang Anh Tuan Kiet
Single bilepton production in e^- \gamma collision
Ngoc Long, Dang Van Soa, Dinh Phan Khoi
Dong gop cua bilepton vao nang luong rieng cua Z va W
Truong Luyen
Mot vai ung dung ky thuat boson hoa vao he chuan mot chieu
Dai Nghiep
Moi tuong quan giua muc radon va ti le tu vong do ung thu - nhung van de ly thuyet va thuc nghiem
Vat ly chat
Hoang Dung, Mai Xuan Li, Diep Quang Vinh
Current-voltage scaling of vortex glass model in three- dimensional superconductors
Huynh Thanh Duc va Tran Thoai Duy Bao
Fermi-edge singularities in photoluminescence spectra of highly excited quantum-well wires
Nguyen Thi Hoa, Nguyen Ai
Plasmon, Exciton and Band-Gap Renormalization with The Effective Central Cell Corrections
Nguyen Quoc Hung, Luong Duy Thanh, Nguyen Quang Bau
Anh huong cua tu truong len su gia tang song am (phonon am) do hap thu buc xa laser trong day luong tu hinh tru voi ho the vo han
Nguyen Viet Hung, Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong, Nguyen Quang Bau
Influence of electron-acoustic phonon scattering mechanism on the absorption coefficient of the weak electromagnetic wave by free electrons in quantum well
P15. Dinh Xuan Khoa, Chu Van Lanh, Tran Manh Hung
Intensify of stimulated raman scattering under quantum theory view
Do Phuong Lien, Pasturel Alain
Systematic Study of ATOMIC structures of MTxY1-x (MT=Fe, mn, Ni, cu) amorphous alloys by Molecular Dynamic Simulations
Nguyen Van Lien, Dang Dinh Toi, Nguyen Hoai Nam
A continuum Percolation Model in an Anistropic Medium: Dimensional Crossover?
Nguyen Hoang Long , Pham Ngoc Anh Huy va Bach Thanh Cong
Application of the Ewald method for calculation of Madelung energy of perovskite proton conductors
Phan Thi Le Minh, Nguyen Phu Thuy, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Chan
The perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in binary alloy thin films is considered based on the Neel's spin pair potential model
Phan Van Nham, Tran Minh Tien
Transport properties in a simplified double exchange model
Doan Nhat Quang, Nguyen Huyen Tung, Vu Ngoc Tuoc, Nguyen Viet
Roughness-induced piezoelectric scattering in lattice-mismatched surface quantum wells of zinc-blende material
Nguyen Hong Quang va Phung Duy Khuong
polarization effect in the interband absorption by excitons in 2D quantum dots
P23. Pham Dinh Tam, Nguyen Quang Hoc, Nguyen Xuan Quang, Chu Thien Truong
Ly thuyet ve cac hieu ung phi dieu hoa trong hop kim -I The nhiet dong cua hop kim thay the cau truc lap phuong
To Thi Thao, Nguyen Ai
energy of exciton in quantum dot with the center cell correction denpending on
dot sizes
Cao Huy Thien and Tsuneya Ando
in Carbon Nanotube
Hoang Anh Tuan and Thalmeier
potential approximation for charge ordering in the extended Hubbard model
Hoang Anh Tuan, Nguyen Toan Thang
the Kondo energy of the periodic Anderson model with interacting conduction
Nguyen Huyen Tung, Vu Ngoc Tuoc va Nguyen Viet Minh
scattering mechanisms in a strain-relaxed surface quantum well
PIII. Quang hoc
va cac van de khac
Truong Minh Duc va Nguyen Ba An
Nth-power amplitude squeezing in fan-states
Dinh Xuan Khoa, Mai Van Luu
Influence of coupling parameter in generation of distributed feedback dye laser
Bui Van Khue
thay doi the tich va entropi cua kim loai khi nong chay
Pham Le Kien, K. Hakuta, and A. V. Sokolov
compression by parametric beating with a prepared Raman coherence
Tran Duy Lien
thong nhat cua buc xa nguyen tu va buc xa hap dan
Doan Cao Tri va Nguyen Vinh Quang
Robertson- Schrodinger uncertainty relation and the uncertainty principle
Yoshihide Kozai, Nguyen Ai
Viet, and Nguyen Thi Vuong
of Dust Particles Ejected from a Comet