from the Planck scale through nano scales to cosmological distances
(Nha Trang, January 5-6, 2007)
The workshop will be held in Nhatrang from 5th – 6th of January 2007 as an accompanying activity of the 13th Vietnam School of Physics (VSOP). The workshop includes a wide range of topics of modern physics covered by previous VSOP's (for more details about the VSOP, please, visit the website
The duration of a talk is 30 min (for an invited talk) or 15 min (for a contributed talk) including the time for questions and discussions.
"Unified Theory of Unconventional Superconductors".
"Gauge Invariance and Ground State Instability in Dicke Model".
"The optical and transport properties in the self-assembled free base porphyrin crystal".
"Effective String Theories".
"Onsager algebra and superintegrable chiral Potts model: duality of lattice models
through sl(2) loop algebra symmetry at roots of unity".
"Higgs: the missing link of the Standard Model".
"Understanding of Nonequilibrium Kondo Phenomena by Nonperturbative Dynamical Theory".
"Self-running droplets".
"Size effects on structure of amorphous Al2O3 nanoparticles".
"Inflation, Dark Energy and the False Vacuum".
"Electronic and magnetic properties of carbon nanotubes upon chemically
or mechanically-induced symmetry-breaking ".
"First-Principles Study of Carbon-Induced Modification of Si(001)".
"Late Decaying Dark Matter, Bulk Viscosity and the Cosmic Acceleration".
"New technique for studying field emission form individual carbon nanotubes".
"Molecular dynamics study on structural properties of liquid and morphous Al2O3.2SiO2 nanoparticles".
"Flavor physics and CP violation".
"Bell 's inequality and its generalizations".
"Inhomogeneous phases in correlated electron materials".
"Glass Transition in Simulated liquid TiO2 nanoparticles".
"Precision measurement of the Cs Rydberg states
with the splitting of electromagnetically induced transparenc".
"The nature of surface waves on subwavelength metallic structures".
"Single electron control in n-type semiconductor quantum dots using non-Abelian holonomies
generated by spin orbit coupling
"Symmetries in String Theory & String Scattering Amplituds".
"QCD calculation for LHC".
Coffee and tea breaks between scientific sessions will be covered by the organizers. Other events (banquet, excussions, etc.) if organized will be at the cost of the participants. If allowed by the budget a conference banquet will be organized.
Some financial support may be available (priority will be given to young participants).
Please, return the completed registration form (doc , pdf) to the contact address given below.